A temporary fencing solution is being employed to help contain the oil spewing from BP sunken Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

According to Gulf Live, there is currently more than half-a-million feet of oil containment boom installed along the Mississippi coastline - along with 12 miles of security fencing to prevent more oil washing ashore.

Commenting on the increase in preventative measures being employed by BP and the state, William Walker, executive director of the state Department of Marine Resources, said: "This is the bigger boom that we've been asking for for a while, but it took a while to get."

"We've asked BP to pay for the installation of 30 additional miles [of security fencing]," he added.

The ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which was the result of an explosion on the BP rig, resulted in 11 deaths and millions of gallons of oil being pumped into the Gulf Of Mexico.

It is possible that the leak will not be plugged until late autumn or early winter.ADNFCR-3337-ID-19859333-ADNFCR