Access Control systems

Parking Control & Barriers

Our parking controls and barriers provide the means to control the traffic flow whether it is vehicles or pedestrians, allowing ease of access from our range of products. Traffic access control is becoming more and more important in everyday security with our products designed to protect and segregate vehicles and pedestrians. In addition we can also offer a range of additional access control devices that will allow you to augment standard features or to tailor your automation and access control system to suit your application.

Access control options

We have a wide range of access control options, including bollards, traffic arm barriers, turnstiles and road blockers designed to secure car parks, commercial premises, sports grounds, schools and high security sites. When configuring products for automation, different control options can be selected including key switches, proximity readers, push buttons, intercoms and card readers.



We manufacture a wide range of gates to provide access to your site or property, available in swing and sliding styles in timber and steel, and with a choice of manual or automated operation.

Manual Parking Controls

We manufacture many parking barriers that don't require automation and can be used to stop or restrict access to vehicles. The range includes car bars, hoop barriers, height restriction barriers, warden swing barriers and rail protection barriers.

Demarcation Fencing

We have a range of demarcation fencing that can be used to define boundaries, segregate pedestrians and vehicles, and provide access control, including timber post and rail, silver rail, and knee rail fencing.

Hostile Vehicle Mitigation Access Control

Some sites require tighter access control than others. Our range of Hostile Vehicle Mitigation solutions includes PAS 68 crash rated bollards and bi-folding speed gates, as well as manual arm barriers and road blockers.

Access control guidance

We have a wealth of information relating to access control and gates, browse our blogs below.

Specifying fencing and access control for hospitals

Hospitals require a multitude of access control solutions, including rapid evacuation for emergency services, car park barriers for controlling access and bollards to separate pedestrian and vehicle traffic.

What type of security bollard do I need?

Security bollards can generally be split into two categories: crash-rated and non-crash rated. Find out how to apply each type of bollard in different areas of your site.

School Access Control: What to consider

Effective access control ensures the safe movement of people, assets and vehicles which is especially important in schools which have a responsibility for large volumes of people.

Types of car park barriers

What are the types of car park barriers available to provide access control? Find out in our short guide.
