Security fencing could be required at a playground in Shropshire after equipment was stolen.

Thieves cut a climbing wall, slides and swings from the play area in the Halesowen nature reserve at The Leasowes off Mucklow Hill earlier this week. reports that councillors believe that the vandalism happened so that thieves can sell the metal because of a rise in prices.

Chairman of the Friends of Leasowes Park, Marianne Diller, told the news provider that everyone at the site is upset to hear of the bad news.

"I'm not sure how much this scrap metal would fetch in money but the equipment was so much more valuable to the community and to the park," she explained.

"I'm really sad to hear about this as the playground is much used by children and their families and is one of the main attractions for the park."

Security fencing will also be required at a school in The Inch after several incidents of vandalism took place at the site.

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