One of the country's most historic cricket clubs may be looking for safety solutions, such as sports netting, as it faces eviction from its current site.

Lymington Cricket Club in Hampshire dates back more than 200 years and may soon be moved amid fears that pedestrians could be hit by flying balls.

No passers-by have yet been injured during the club's time at the location, but local councillors have nevertheless voted in favour of the move.

However, if the club installs sports netting it will be allowed to stay, as this will also help protect the tennis facility next door that raised the initial concerns.

This will cost approximately £50,000 install, which Lymington Cricket Club says it simply cannot afford.

Councillor Penny Jackman commented: "The plain and frightening reality is cricket balls have been landing at great speed a matter of inches from unsuspecting people."

Other councillors have remarked that if the decision is allowed to go through, then cricket should be banned all together.

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