Temporary fencing solutions are likely to be used in preparation for the demolition of an east London housing estate, considered by many to be a blot on the capital's landscape.

Developers Countryside and Swan Housing have been named as the preferred joint-bidder for the redevelopment of the Robin Hood Gardens Estate, which was originally built in the 1970s.

Working with Tower Hamlets Council and the Homes and Communities Agency, the team will prepare the site for the demolition of Robin Hood Gardens in order to pave the way for over 1,500 new homes, Construction Enquirer reports.

Over 75 per cent of residents said they wanted the gardens knocked down and revamped when a consultation took place over the project.

But over the years a tussle has taken place about the future of the estate. Built as a response to traditional social housing models, it is considered by some to be an architectural masterpiece.ADNFCR-3337-ID-800426500-ADNFCR