Standing areas that are separated by sports fencing would be welcomed at many of the country's top football clubs, research shows.

A survey carried out by the Daily Star Sunday shows that 66.3 per cent of football fans would support a switch back to standing, while only 17.3 per cent were opposed to the idea.

Furthermore, if seating were not available, 73.5 per cent of those questioned said they would consider standing at games.

Chairman of the Football Supporters' Federation Malcolm Clarke told the paper: "If people wish to stand they should be allowed to do so safely.

"We are not calling for a return to the dangerous, penned-in areas of the 1970s but to safe, well-managed standing areas."

Of the supporters who responded to the survey, 63.6 per cent said that they did not think standing would harm their safety, while 42.5 per cent believe the atmosphere in stadiums has worsened since all-seating grounds were introduced.

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