Thousands of pounds are needed to replace old sports netting and other features at a leisure centre in Bedfordshire, according to local officials.

Houghton Regis Leisure Centre faced closure recently, but a rethink has been forced by the community spirit shown by residents.

However, councillors have said that hundreds of thousands of pounds are needed to completely renovate the site and the closure of the swimming pool is imminent, reports

Jane Moakes, assistant director community safety, public protection, waste and leisure, told the news provider that essential maintenance will be taking place shortly.

"A recent condition survey identified that £600,000 investment is needed and £200,000 of that is on the pool," she explained.

"But that wouldn't allow significant improvement. We want to support a fit for purpose facility that meets today's needs not yesterday's."

Milton Keynes residents are now using new sports netting and other equipment following the opening of new facilities at Bletchley Leisure Centre.

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