High security fencing looks likely to be installed around the perimeter of a hospital in north London after people broke into parts of the site.

Muswell Hill Hospital and the Camden Islingthon NHS Foundation Trust (Candi) are planning to replace a 1.8-metre-high wooden fence with one that is 2.3 metres tall.

Both organisations believe that this will be high enough to deter people from attempting to gain access to the site and put an end to nuisance behaviour, reports tottenhamjournal.co.uk.

A spokesman for Candi told the news provider that problems are being caused on parts of the site that are vacant.

"A large part of the St Luke's site is no longer used for services and is thus fenced off," he explained.

"This has been breached occasionally by young people. For their safety we are seeking permission to improve this fencing in order to keep people out."

It comes after a school in York announced that it plans to install high security fencing to fend off vandalism and trespassers.

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