On the 11th-27th March at Olympia London, the Ideal Home Show returns after two years’ absence, due to the pandemic. With the original plan from 2020 still in place, Jacksons Fencing has partnered with the Metropolitan Police Service to showcase products for home and garden security on their Home Security Advice stand (H420) and at the Future Living Home.

We have worked with many police forces across the country on innumerable projects, supplying them with metal perimeter solutions for police stations and security applications, to crime reduction initiatives and awareness projects. Most recently we supplied garden fencing for a showcase demonstration at RHS Hyde Hall with Essex Police.

Specialist Designing Out Crime officers from the Met will be present at both stands so visitors can talk to experts about home security products and get advice on how to improve home security. As a Secured by Design member company with a range of Secured by Design accredited products, Jacksons Fencing is a sponsor of the stand, and information about our products will be available throughout the duration of the show.

On display will be one of our timber Chilham fence panels, an image of which can be seen in the Secured by Design Homes 2019 guide. Our fence panel and post systems are all designed to Secured by Design standards as stated in the guide, including the panel-to-post fixing method to stop panels being lifted, type of fixings used (stainless steel), and type of materials used for posts (non-brittle). Additionally, a number of our slatted panels can also be installed vertically as recommended, as they are a 1.83m square, so this removes any ‘ladder’ effect or climbing aid where this is a risk.

Chilham fence panels are ideal for increasing home security. With no rails on either side, and a robust, solid construction, they offer no climbing aid to a potential intruder. In addition, they are installed using our timber slotted posts – Jakposts®, to which the panels can be securely fixed with stainless steel screws. The same secure installation cannot easily be achieved using concrete posts. Further, the panels and posts are all guaranteed for 25 years against rot and insect attack, so they will not deteriorate unbeknownst to you and leave your property unsecure.

Small differences like the type of materials used, the design of the fencing, and the longevity of the guarantee can make a big impact on security.

At the Future Living Home, our Urban fence panels which were new for 2020 are being installed. With a design that works both vertically and horizontally, it features wide and narrow timber slats which are spaced on either side of the panel to prevent anyone from seeing through it. This double pale design also creates a very sturdy and heavy panel which would be hard to lift by anyone wanting to gain access to a property, especially when fixed to slotted timber posts. Be sure to look out for the hedgehog gravel board too.

Secured by Design methodology carries through to our commercial range of Secured by Design accredited fencing. The range features LPS 1175 tested and certified vertical bar and mesh panels, as well as timber acoustic barriers and timber and steel mesh combination panels.

Sustainability is a key driver for many new developments, and sustainability values translate to our own mission and ethos – to provide long-lasting, high quality fencing products which represent good value for money, and also look great. The Future Living Home perfectly showcases this; featuring innovative home technology, future interior trends, and ways to make your home more sustainable and energy-efficient.

Buy tickets to visit the show here